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Transportation Bill, Bonding Bill Finally Passed!

After years of advocating and campaigninig for a long-term,comprehensive transportation funding bill, we finally have a bill passed that makes progress in addressing the $600M per year shortfall for roads and bridges in the state.

The Capital Bonding bill contains more money for transportation than we have seen previously. After many years of lobbying to have…

President Donald Trump’s infrastructure plan gives high-hopes to many around the United States. President Donald Trump’s plan will not only improve bridges, tunnels, and roads around the country but also water mains, dams, airports and more.

In CNBC’s article “Trump’s jobs plan may create better-paying jobs than we’re used to” by Evelyn Cheng, she says "the American Society of Civil Engineers gave U.S. infrastructure a near failing…

Transportation in Minnesota is undoubtedly in an age of immense traffic increase. Like much of the rest of the world, vehicles are a must in this 21st century

United States culture. What once had only 10 vehicles traveling daily, now has 1,000 vehicles traveling. And what once had only 140 vehicles traveling daily, now has 140,000 vehicles traveling.

Often people do not realize the crucial need to continuously develop and…

A Safety Awareness Event held April 19 focused on the critical need for Minnesota to Invest in Transportation Infrastructure to Improve Safety -NOW

The event featured traffic cones placed on the front steps of the State Capitol Building, each representing a fatality that occurred on Minnesota Roadways in 2015.

April was Distracted Driving Awareness Month as well as National Work Zone Awareness Week

Get a preview of federal and state transportation funding legislation by viewing our 2017 Session Preview below.

2016 Election Overview

The outcome of the 2016 elections has definitely altered the landscape for transportation policy and funding initiatives. From the Presidency down to state legislative races, we face a new legislative dynamic and many new faces.

What hasn’t changed: the huge need for resources to increase the nation’s and the state’s investment in the transportation system and bipartisan agreement on…

With just seven days remaining in the 2016 Legislative Session, and only six days in which the Legislature is constitutionally authorized to pass bills, Governor Dayton is urging legislators to act quickly to enact a compromise transportation solution.

The Governor’s two proposals include ideas supported and passed by the Minnesota Senate and House of Representatives.

Underscoring the need for additional transportation dollars and the need for work in important transportation corridors, legislators have introduced over 85 bills during the 2016-17 biennium for specific transportation improvements around the state totaling over $2 billion in needed funding.

The Minnesota Transportation Alliance has long advocated for additional tools that Minnesota’s local governments could use to address their unmet road, bridge, and transit funding needs. In particular, recent efforts have focused on three specific funding tools: 1) the $10/vehicle County Wheelage Tax; 2) the local option half-cent dedicated sales tax; and 3) the $20/vehicle excise tax. Along with our partners, the Alliance’s efforts have been…

Progress In Motion Launches “Fund Our Roads” Ad Campaign

Legislators shouldn’t let political gridlock block passage of a transportation funding bill again.

Progress In Motion has launched a statewide ad campaign to educate voters on the need for new road and bridge funding.

“With fifty percent of the state's roads and bridges more than 50 years old, and 1,000 of the state's bridges are structurally insufficient, the…